– Develop the reference scenario of a selected power plant in Nepal whose turbines are affected by sediment erosion
– Study of different types of labyrinth seals of Francis turbines for minimizing leakage flow
– Investigate sediment erosion in labyrinths of reference Francis turbine using numerical techniques
– Optimize labyrinths of Francis turbine for minimizing sediment erosion and validate using experimental techniques

Expected Outcomes:
The project has focused on the labyrinth seals of the Francis turbine. Labyrinth seals are primary non-contact seals present between turbine cover and runner parts of the Francis turbine. They are used for controlling axial forces from the runner and minimizing unwanted leaks between the rotor and stator parts of the turbine. Thus, labyrinth seals help to decrease the turbomachinery losses and hence increase the efficiency of the turbine. The research work has anticipated to show the influence of labyrinth seal geometry on the erosion wear and leakage flow. The main aim of the study is to get optimized design of labyrinth seals of Francis turbine for minimizing leakage flow and sediment erosion. A number of publications are also expected from the research study like “Numerical Study of Straight-through, Stepped and Full-length labyrinth seals of Francis turbine”, “Numerical study of erosion on labyrinth seals of Francis turbine”, and “Experimental study on measurement of pressure drop in labyrinth seals of Francis turbine”.
Supervisors from host and Partner Universities
Host University: Prof. Hari Prasad Neopane, KU
Dr. Sailesh Chitrakar, KU
Partner University: Prof. Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug, NTNU
About Myself
I am Mamata Rijal, a second-year PhD student under the Hydro-Himalaya and HydroCen. As a researcher delving into the dynamic field of hydropower, I am driven by a passion for sustainable energy solutions. My journey as a woman researcher celebrates diversity in academia, advocating the value of inclusivity in scientific exploration. Honesty has always been my guiding principle, shaping both my research ethics and personal interactions. I belief in the strength of teamwork that fuels collaborative efforts, fostering environments where collective wisdom ignites innovation. Critical and analytical thinking underpin my research, guiding me through intricate challenges in the pursuit of comprehensive solutions. Life’s hardships have ingrained in me a deep empathy, enriching my work with an understanding of human and
environmental impacts. Beyond my research endeavors, I am a perpetual learner, seeking inspiration from various domains like science and technology to art and philosophy. My ultimate goal is to not only push the boundaries of research but also to make meaningful contributions that positively impact society, enriching lives through the fusion of knowledge, technology and humanity.
Mamata Rijal
PhD Candidate