About us The Thematic Areas The project broadly has three thematic areas: 1. Effective Production of hydroelectricity 2. Effective Transmission of hydroelectricity 3. Effective End-use of hydroelectricity.Under these thematic areas, the project is divided into four academic Work Packages (WP): WP-1 Fundamental Research on Sediment Erosion: WHU (Production) WP-2 Sediment Resistant Turbines: NTNU (Production) WP-3 Green Hydrogen: KU (End-use) WP-4 Power Systems Operation: USN (Transmission) Similarly, for the effective administration, communication, and functioning of the project, the following two non-academic Work Packages (WP) provide support:WP-5 Communication and Dissemination: ICIMOD-HUCWP-6 Project Management: KU Organizational Structure Our Teams Prof.Ole Gunnar DahlhaugProject Lead, NTNU WP-2 Assoc.Prof. Dr. Biraj Singh ThapaProject Lead, KUWP-3 Prof. Zhogdong QlanWP-1 Lead, WHU Assoc.Prof.Thomas OyvangWP-4 Lead, USN Dr. Chi Huyen Truong Program Coordinator, ICIMOD HUC Aney ShresthaWP-6 Lead, KU Kritika Sharma WP-5 Lead, ICIMOD HUC