Assess the operational flexibility of Nepalese Power
Grid Infrastructure under different market mechanisms
And cross border power flows
Integrate the flexibility metric into optimal expansion
planning of the electricity generation and transmission
infrastructure of Nepal
Optimal market clearing and cross-border power flows with assessment of emission trading system
Validate the expansion plan with grid stability through real-time simulations and Simulink equivalent

Expected Outcomes:
The main objective of the research (PhD) is to prepare optimal generation and transmission expansion plan of Nepalese Power Grid with enhanced flexibility. The generation expansion and the transmission expansion plan considering the flexibility will be developed using PyPSA as well as DigSILENT/PowerFactory. PyPSA-Earth model contains already developed model of Indian Power System and the same model will be integrated with Nepalese model to combine both systems to study market mechanisms and emission trading system. The DigSILENT model will be used to test the grid stability and finally, the real time simulation of the Nepalese Power Grid will be done in the NTNU lab.
Supervisors from host and Partner Universities
Sambeet Mishra, PhD- Professor, USN
Shailendra Kumar Jha, PhD- Associate Professor, Kathmandu University
Basanta Raj Pokheral, PhD- Associate Professor, NTNU
Thomas Øyvang, PhD- Associate Professor, USN
Sagar Dharel
PhD Candidate
Batch 2023