Investigate numerical analysis of the prospects of using a clean water injection system in the labyrinth seals of Francis turbines for sediment-laden flow conditions.
Investigate the impact of clean water injection on the efficiency of the turbine in different load and flow conditions.
Evaluate the potential benefits of implementing a clean water injection system in labyrinth seals to reduce sediment deposition.

Expected Outcomes
After the completion, the proposed research is expected to yield the following outcome: first, A validated numerical model capable of accurately simulating sediment-laden flow conditions in Francis turbines. Second, insights into the effects of sediment-laden flow conditions on the performance of labyrinth seals. Next, Quantified performance improvement potential of clean water injection systems for reducing sediment deposition and improving turbine efficiency. Finally, Guidelines for optimal design and operating conditions of clean water injection systems based on numerical analysis.
Prof. Hari Prasad Neopane, PhD Professor of Kathmandu University
Prof. Sailesh Chitrakar, PhD Professor of Kathmandu University
Prof. Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug, PhD Professor of Norwegian University of Science and Technology
About myself
I am Abdul Raqib Qaderi from Afghanistan. In 2009 I graduated from Baccalaureate and graduate Diploma from Herat Technical Institute, Construction department in 2011 and graduated Bachelor’s degree from Herat University, Engineering Faculty and Civil department in 2015 and also, I graduated master’s degree from Kabul Polytechnic University, Water Resource management and Environment Faculty, Hydraulics and Hydraulic structures department in 2018. It is worth noting that, I have taken high level numbers in the entire duration of studies and according to transcripts numbers 94%, 92%, 89% & 89.5% Baccalaureate, diploma, bachelor and master degree respectively. I have researched two paper the first paper is under title of review of conflict on the water resource development and its solution in the Helmand River basin and it’s submitted to the Central Asia Water Resource Journal CAJWR. And second paper is under title
of development of intensity–duration–frequency (IDF) Curves for Herat-Afghanistan submitted to Sprigger Journal. My works experience background approximately 8 years, firstly I have worked one year with National solidarity program NSP as district engineer in 2015, three years worked with ministry of agriculture, irrigation and livestock as irrigation design engineer, one- and one-half years worked with national development operation and supportive authorities of the president (presidential office) as irrigation and watershed specialist. Almost one year worked as worked as general director of the river basin with the ministry of water and energy. One year worked as general advisor of with ministry of water and energy. Recently I working with ministry of water and energy as water supply design specialist.
Abdul Raqib Qaderi