To develop variable speed Francis turbine for Himalayan region with high sediment yield for sustainable operation
To conduct performance analysis of Francis turbine with a hill diagram at variable speed operation with a case study of a hydro turbine range in medium to high specific speed.
To investigate likelihood of erosion in the hydraulic components of turbine at synchronous and variable speed operation modes.
To improve sediment resistance of turbine with optimization of hydraulic parameters and modification in blade surface geometry.
To develop an experimental setup for analysis of optimized design at laboratory conditions

Expected Outcomes:
The expected outcomes of the study are mostly quantitative which should improve the hydropower scenario in Nepal with proven methods to operate variable speed Francis turbines. The study focuses on numerical and experimental techniques to test and prove hypotheses which will establish substantial resources to carry further research works in similar area. But the most intended outcome is to have
fundamental understanding and methods to resolve one of the significant problem, sediment erosion, for Nepalese hydropower plants.
Supervisors from host and Partner Universities
Prof. Hari Prasad Neopane: Kathmandu University
Prof. Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug: The Norwegian University of Science and
Atmaram Kayastha
I am a mechanical engineer currently pursuing my doctorate degree at Kathmandu University (KU) and The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). I had worked in the field of hydropower, one of the renewable energy sources, for almost 10 years which is also the main reason why I chose the same
subject for my doctorate study. With the whole world moving towards sustainable energy goals, I am also trying and hopefully will be able to contribute to the cause by the end of 2024. I love this field and will try to continue working even as a researcher or industrial engineer or a consultant. Right now, I am at NTNU,
Trondheim, Norway and will be spending 8 more months as an exchange student. So far, the stay has been great, and the teaching style here is so inclusive and every opinion/question is importance. Besides work and studies, I like to play football and the place is perfect since most of the people here in Norway play football; even in the coldest winter days. I try to place at least once a week, mostly on Sundays, with Norwegians and international students here in Trondheim.
Atmaram Kayastha
Ph.D. Candidate
HydroHimalaya Batch 2021