Overview of electricity tariff fixation and long-terminvestment planning on infrastructure in Nepal

Analyze the historical evolution of electricity tariffs and
determine the tariff fixation tools.

Propose the strategic policies and regulations to accelerate the growth of hydroelectric power generation in Nepal, considering the balance between investment incentives and
consumer benefits.

Expected Outcomes:
The electricity sector plays a pivotal role in Nepal’s economic development, with hydropower being a significant energy source. The investment in infrastructure on energy is essential in Nepal to achieve the desired growth in energy sector, to reduce poverty, and long-term vision of economic growth of the country. Nepal sign Power Trade Agreement with India and Bangladesh. Due to the lack of incentives for the investors in power sector, significantly low energy consumption, insufficient investment in distribution infrastructure are the major problems faced by the government of Nepal. The research focus on the analyzing the historical evolution of electricity tariff and determination of tariff fixation tools to accelerate the growth of hydroelectric power generation considering the balance between investment incentives and
consumer benefits. The tariff is the main units of the design which changes according to the input variables. The objective function in setting the tariff will be maximizing the revenue while maximizing the consumption through the customers. The optimized tariff will be implemented by the utility to generate the revenue in different scenario to recover the residual cost of the network. This opportunity will create a positive impact on the investor to invest in infrastructure. After the completion of this research, following outcome are expected
A. Specific
a) Tools for calculating different type of tariff fixation for both utility and customer’s level.
b) A strategic recommendations and reforms aimed at accelerating the growth of hydroelectricity power generation in Nepal’s total energy mixture.
c) An in-depth analysis of tariff fixation for distributed renewable energy generation in electricity infrastructure sector.
B. Publication
A conference paper, review paper and one journal paper along with thesis discussing the tariff structure to achieve long term investment plan on infrastructure in Nepal on different topics will be published.

Supervisors from host and Partner Universities
Dr. Kamal Chapagain, PhD, Asst. Professor,
Kathmandu University 
Dr. Sambeet Mishra, PhD, Professor,
University of South Eastern Norway

About Myself
Namaste, I’m Prashant Kandel, currently pursuing a Master’s degree through the Hydro-Himalaya project. Originally from Chitwan, south of the Kathmandu Valley, I completed my higher secondary education there. My academic journey led me to graduate with a degree in electrical and electronics engineering from Kathmandu University, a pivotal step fostering my personal and research growth. Likewise, I have excelled in contributing, conducting, and managing different academic projects throughout my degree. Eagerly absorbing as much knowledge and insight as possible helps foster my skills and motivate me in the pursuit of my goals. Involving myself in various social clubs, departmental clubs, and NGOs strengthens my soft skills and leadership. I am driven by the opportunities to take part in various national and international competitions related to innovation to industry and have secured the position that
comes my way. Recently, I have seized opportunities at a solar company, which nurtures my hands-on skills and enriches my knowledge of distributed renewable generation. Besides the experiences, I believed in fostering open and honest connections with inspiring and charming personalities. Through these experiences, I believed life is a great adventure, and we must enjoy it to the fullest.

Prashant Kandel, Masters Candidate
Prasantkandel20@gmail.com, 3 rd batch

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